phenomenon. Unfortunately attempts to explain FP to outsiders usually bogs down in a lot of rationalizations about the feel of the clothes, how pretty they are, etc, etc; these "explanations" are never acceptable to others because they instinctively know that they are not "strong" enough, they are too shallow and obvious attempts to justify something which must be more deeply motivated. The outsider for his part generally presumes that this motivation is identical with that of homosexuality and he bases this conclus- ion on insufficient information about homosexuality. The FP him- self feels inside that the behaviour is more deeply motivated but cannot explain why because he does not know. He is ignorant of his own psyche and the forces at work in it. To get at the truth of the matter requires some doing.

PHI PI EPSILON-Alpha has broken ground on this project now. A group "brainstorm" session was recently held, the first of many we hope. With the presence of a practicing psychologist, a minister and several wives we began to examine the question of whether the need for FP expression was solely a problem of the personality which showed it, part of the "cost of doing business" for that individual or whether it represented a manifestation of something of a more general nature which merely rose to the surface or was present in more intense form in a particular personality. The concensus was that there was a certain portion of femininity in most males as well as masculinity in females and that since society did not permit free expression of these traits particularly in males, the pressure to express part of oneself came out in Femme Personating among other possible solutions. The discussion was billed as 8-10 but went on till 12:30 A.M. It proved my continuous contention, namely that there is just vastly more to this problem than either most FPs nor outsiders including most psychiatrists realize.

This was only the first such meeting. During it we laid out a number of other matters worth a night's discussion, all by them- selves. Here, then, is the way in which FPE can make a real contri- bution not only to the welfare of the participating individuals but to the understanding of the problem itself and even more widely to- wards understanding some of the aspects of the human psyche which are otherwise inscrutable. If it should be of some consolation to all of you, to realize that FPation is more important than you may have thought.

A little further enlightenment about the purposes of PHI PI EPSILON are in order since it is obvious from letters that all is
